All pages on ORUK

  1. Home
  2. About ORUK
    1. Introducing Open Referral UK
    2. Government and community involvement
    3. Benefits of Open Referral UK
    4. International Open Referral data standard
  3. Adopt the standard in a council
    1. Executive summary
    2. Business case
    3. Project initiation document (PID)
    4. Benefits calculator
  4. Case studies
    1. How adopting the standard helped save time and money
    2. Following digital principles to implement the standard
    3. Buckinghamshire Council - Moving from a legacy system to a more flexible Family Information Service
    4. Building a better Family Information Service with Buckinghamshire Council - A developer’s view on adopting the standard
    5. Placecube's Open Place Directory for Bristol City Council
    6. Doc & Tee's Service Finder for Bristol City Council
    7. Elmbridge Borough Council's journey to adopting the standard for wellbeing
    8. Improving access to directory services information
    9. Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria – a digital catalogue of service information to improve health management
    10. Bristol Council's place based approach to a service directory
    11. Tools to consume open data in Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care System
    12. Public Partnerships' experience adopting the standard for Hull City Council
  5. Community
    1. Verified feed directory
    2. Join our community
    3. Forum
  6. Developer resources
    1. Technical overview to implementing Open Referral UK
    2. Check your compliance
    3. Verified feed availability
    4. Register your feed
    5. Reference: API
    6. Reference: Data model
    7. Reference: The specification
    8. Changes in version 3.0
  7. Site information
    1. Accessibility statement
    2. Sustainability policy
    3. Privacy policy
    4. Terms and conditions
    5. Contact us