Case studies

  1. How adopting the standard helped save time and money Nick Parker from Leeds City Digital Partnerships Team describes how and why they implemented the data standard.
  2. Following digital principles to implement the standard Tim Taylor, product owner at Connected Kingston, talks about how they implemented the standard at Kingston and Sutton councils.
  3. Buckinghamshire Council - Moving from a legacy system to a more flexible Family Information Service Liz Connick, Senior Early Help Digital Officer, talks about how they moved from a historic legacy system and upgraded their Family Information Service.
  4. Building a better Family Information Service with Buckinghamshire Council - A developer’s view on adopting the standard Stuart Mackenzie, Executive Director Quality & Product of FutureGov talks about adopting the Open Referral UK data standard with Buckinghamshire Council to create a new database schema for their Family Information Service.
  5. Placecube's Open Place Directory for Bristol City Council Adam Harris, Chief Customer Officer of Placecube talks about their journey developing a compliant Open Place Directory for Bristol City Council.
  6. Doc & Tee's Service Finder for Bristol City Council Doc&Tee created the front-end service finder for Bristol City Council, which consumes an Open Referral UK compliant API.
  7. Elmbridge Borough Council's journey to adopting the standard for wellbeing Creating an online wellbeing resource for the residents of Elmbridge Borough Council.
  8. Improving access to directory services information Angus Claydon, director of operations at the Care Forum, Bristol describes their journey to adopt the standard.
  9. Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria – a digital catalogue of service information to improve health management Linda Vernon from Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System describes a vision of a single source of reliable information about local preventative services.
  10. Bristol Council's place based approach to a service directory Describing the overall approach that Bristol City Council took to adopting the standard for Adult Social Services.
  11. Tools to consume open data in Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care System Ian Singleton of Digital Co-production describes tools developed to use the standard data feed is used and benefits of the standard, including major cost savings.
  12. Public Partnerships' experience adopting the standard for Hull City Council Kate Mackay, Project Manager at Public Partnerships, describes implementing the standard for with Hull City Council