Case studies
- How adopting the standard helped save time and money Nick Parker from Leeds City Digital Partnerships Team describes how and why they implemented the data standard.
- Following digital principles to implement the standard Tim Taylor, product owner at Connected Kingston, talks about how they implemented the standard at Kingston and Sutton councils.
- Buckinghamshire Council - Moving from a legacy system to a more flexible Family Information Service Liz Connick, Senior Early Help Digital Officer, talks about how they moved from a historic legacy system and upgraded their Family Information Service.
- Building a better Family Information Service with Buckinghamshire Council - A developer’s view on adopting the standard Stuart Mackenzie, Executive Director Quality & Product of FutureGov talks about adopting the Open Referral UK data standard with Buckinghamshire Council to create a new database schema for their Family Information Service.
- Placecube's Open Place Directory for Bristol City Council Adam Harris, Chief Customer Officer of Placecube talks about their journey developing a compliant Open Place Directory for Bristol City Council.
- Doc & Tee's Service Finder for Bristol City Council Doc&Tee created the front-end service finder for Bristol City Council, which consumes an Open Referral UK compliant API.
- Elmbridge Borough Council's journey to adopting the standard for wellbeing Creating an online wellbeing resource for the residents of Elmbridge Borough Council.
- Improving access to directory services information Angus Claydon, director of operations at the Care Forum, Bristol describes their journey to adopt the standard.
- Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria – a digital catalogue of service information to improve health management Linda Vernon from Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System describes a vision of a single source of reliable information about local preventative services.
- Bristol Council's place based approach to a service directory Describing the overall approach that Bristol City Council took to adopting the standard for Adult Social Services.
- Tools to consume open data in Lancashire & South Cumbria Integrated Care System Ian Singleton of Digital Co-production describes tools developed to use the standard data feed is used and benefits of the standard, including major cost savings.
- Public Partnerships' experience adopting the standard for Hull City Council Kate Mackay, Project Manager at Public Partnerships, describes implementing the standard for with Hull City Council